Writer ~ Photographer ~ House-Sitter ~ Teacher

from Without Home:
Stone Shapes
- Michelangelo Buonarroti's
Who could know
such impact in earthly actions -
how, when shadows
came over Carrara
while darkness lengthened
the depth of the horseshoe quarry
as night dimmed the veined marble
carried on throughout
the white streaked hills
of Carrara up over its chalky cliffs,
that the sound
of a bright continuous sea
far below
falling forward
was not so much the sea touching
not the sea touching Carrara
but you walking,
you in the valley
beginning to scale above cypress,
your eyes ripe as washed olives,
your boots raising your weight
onto cliffs, in Carrara
reaching that heightened place
where soon a line of fiery light
will strike, your muscled arms
will swing at this
very gold sun
igniting specks in the granite
and the soul
in your chiseled body, knowing
which stone to take.
* * *
"Stone Shapes" first appeared in
the new renaissance